Finalization Production Blog

Welcome to my eight-production blog. Our film is entering its later stages. Production is essentially wrapping. Our final step is the filming process which is soon to come. We have all locations ready. The props have been customized to a tea. The race car has stickers showing its racing side. We have worn the wrenches down to a realistic level. Additionally, we have chosen Logan's food, raw chicken and mashed potatoes. Pre-production on props is finished. Concerning our locations, today we have looked them over again and reviewed addresses. I have planned our trip to the race track, fully prepared to get close to the road. This will be a very exciting trip. I've never been to a race track before, so it will be completely new. It is all very exciting. I can't wait. The thrill of the locations is too much to bear. Logan's house is always fun to be in, so shooting there will be a breeze. Finally, the shop has been cleaned. We are full steam ahead.