Production Blog: Review Randy Final Task

Hello and welcome to my seventh production blog. We have decided to let our friends watch our incomplete film. They will review it. Essentially, giving their thoughts on the film's quality. Everyone's opinion varied throughout the film. My friend Titan appreciated most aspects of the cinematography.
Especially the drone shots. He liked what I did for tense scenes, using a more intimate shaky cam style. Within the drone shots, he found his most enjoyment. The overhead and chase shots were very appreciated artistically. Next, my friend Jorge. The aspects he commented on were acting and set design. First, the acting. Student actors aren't the best, so he found this section to not be up to standard with the rest of the film. With clever editing and sound design, we can more than make for awkward acting sequences. Onto the next point, the set design. We used our friend's house as the filming location. This is our white house, our kidnapping garage, and chase street. So essentially, one set. He complimented how efficient we were with our filming and keeping it all enclosed within one location. 



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