Production Blog: Production Wrapped William Final Task

 Hello, and welcome to my tenth and final production blog. Filming and editing has been fully completed. Protect the president, our cinematic vision has finally been accurately realized. Editing throughout has been finalized, hitting within the time limit effectively. Overall, we are very proud with how the scenes have come together in the end. Seeing it as a complete project makes all the work done towards it worth it. The opening credits run perfectly with the theme, especially including the drone shots. The mood and feel is established efficiently. Also, the royalty-free music included also worked well with the film. The dramatic opening music is very well placed in my opinion. Filming was a great experience for me. It gave me new experience with angles I haven't had to create before. The opening balcony scene  was very interesting, with a seemingly perilous shot. However, the drone made many of these shots simple. Through overhead, chase, and surrounding shots the film came into it's own. Utilization of the drone made this experience very different from anything I've done before. We basically had a flying camera. Through all these new changes and experiences, this is the proudest I've been of one of my creations. I have completed something new and exciting. And I cannot wait to create more.


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