Production Blog: Filming Franks Final Task

 Hello, and welcome to my fifth production blog. We have successfully filmed our final task project. Our filming took place mostly in a house garage. We had some outside scenes, but were not the main focus. These scenes mainly featured the drone. The outside scenes were generally thrilling, and were the most fast paced. My place was again behind the camera. I had to keep smooth movement consistent throughout. This can be difficult during high-action scenes. Being a camera-man can be difficult working with students, and some scenes had to be reshot. Additionally, being a camera-man is an almost directorial-like role in the film. I get to decide how some scenes are formatted within the film, and how they play out relating to the storyboard. It was very interesting filming the kidnapped scenes. The shooting styles throughout these scenes conveys a feeling of dread, that I tried to put on the camera. The drone scenes I assisted with, but the main flying was done by Logan. Remembering lines was slightly difficult, but after a few reshoots, the scenes flowed beautifully. The starting beginning shot I am especially proud of, giving a helicopter like flyover sequence to the film. This really grounds the film within the genre we wanted to capture. It gives it a wide-spanning, action feel. Overall, the filming day was a success, and my work on site was some of the best yet.


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