Production Blog: Editing Earnestly
Welcome to my 6th, and final production blog for the music video project. I will be discussing my editing process over the initial footage of the music video. Music videos and associated media are some of the most heavily edited pieces out there. For our project, editing was needed to add an air of magic to the story. Flashbacks had to take place, and the only way to achieve that is through editing. All we had as our base was a simple camera zoom into a photograph. This would not serve our purpose. What we wanted to create was a dreamlike effect on the viewer, peering into distant memories. This will aid the emotional aspect we want to tap into. Another way we can tap into this is through audio editing. With the addition of music, a scene can change entirely. The core mood of a scene is essentially translated into the music accompanying it. Some scenes can feel flat beforehand, but are changed completely after. The effect is fascinating. Another effect I want to add is a wispy, dreamy effect to flashbacks. This requires some effort. I need to change how the screen and audio appear in unison. This will make the scenes harder to interact with, adding a dreamy feeling. Making them feel this way will simulate how memories feel, a little out of reach. Overall, I am excited to see the music video transform into something more complete.
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