Intro Blog

Hello, welcome to my first ever media studies blog. I am excited to create content, and put my creative flair into the world. The best place to start my first blog, is with me. My name is Griffin Penn. I was born and raised in south Florida. I have always been interested in film and television, due to its artfulness. Being creative has always been a part of me, and putting it into something concrete will truly fulfill it. I was actually previously part of a media studies project, as I was in both a music video and a final film intro. It was interesting to see how the students put films together. It made me realize that the act of creating a film was as or even more fun that watching one. Additionally, I am excited to meet my group members more and to collaborate with them deeply. This class will be truly exciting. There are so many ideas brimming in my head. I cannot wait to share them with the world. Collaboration, communication, and idea making are the skills I will use greatly. All in all, this class seems like a great adventure. I am ready to create. This class has made me this way. All of the class discussion we have done so far has made me even more ready. I am Griffin Penn, and I want to create.


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