Critical Creative Reflection Music Video

1 How does your product use or challenge conventions AND how does it represent social groups or issues? My music video product both uses conventions, and represents social groups within these adhesions to the status quo. The main social group I highlighted within this product was the elderly population. The video centers on the mostly sedentary life of an old man, and how his memories coalesce within it. I utilize a convention used often in films that reflect on the lives of the elderly. Specifically, this can be seen within the start of the movie UP. Mainly, the story itself is very closely tied to mainstream conventions of neglected elderly people. It tells stories of loneliness, regret, and desperate wants for return to the past. One way I challenge common conventions is within the music paired with the actual film. I use a song from Twenty-One pilots, a band usually associated with youth and punk. This songs name is stressed out, which connects back to the stresses of old age ...